Wednesday 26 January 2011

This is another image without much in the way of captioning. It doesn't have any information, making the image hard to place. All that is obvious is that it is a studio shoot. This image was taken for PETA, and will have been used on their website and various other publications. The subject is a female model sat on the ground with her back to the camera. We can see that the model has been labelled into cuts of meat.

The image is horizontal. This is to have enough room for both the model, and the stamped image that is to the right. I don't think the image has been cropped, because there's already quite a bit of room either side of the model. The rule of thirds has been used within this image, as the model is slightly off centre to the left of the frame. For this image, the photographer would have needed to be on a slightly higher vantage point than the model to get the angle we see.

As this is a studio shoot, the light will have been artificially created, making it impossible to tell what time of day the image was taken. It looks like the shot was lit from the right, as we can see the light hit her right shoulder and the portion of her face we can see. The image has been shot in colour. This is so we can see everything in the image strongly and clearly. There will have been some computer manipulation as it is a studio image and they are often retouched.

There is a slogan underneath the model that says "All Animals Have The Same Parts" and ultimately, this is what the image is trying to get across. Whether it be human, lamb, cow, pig, every one of them has the same parts, so eating one is as bad as eating a human.

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