Friday 28 January 2011

Alberto Seveso.

"Hi, my name is Alberto Seveso, I was born in Milan 30 years ago, but I have lived for more than 20 on the marvellous Sardinia Island. Today I live in Rome, where I work as a freelance Illustrator. I didn't study design and took no classes. I personally think this job doesn’t require a degree even when design schools are very important.
My passion for graphics was born about 15 years ago when I had an Amiga 1200 and Delux Paint that I loved very much. However I switched to PC when a friend showed me the potential of photoshop: I was astonished and I understood the power of that software (I know what you’re thinking right now, but no, this isn't a commercial, I actually switched to PC because of photoshop). From that moment on I started the basics of what I still do today."

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