Wednesday 26 January 2011

The only information we get from this image is what it says on the image itself. It says “Bare Skin Not Bearskin. Jamie Bamber for PETA. Bears suffer and die for the Queen’s Guards’ caps. Support the campaign to end this cruelty.” From this we know the name of the model, the slogan of the campaign, and why they are campaigning.
The image was taken for PETA, who put it online and in various publications to spread the message. The subject is Jamie Bamber, topless with a neutral background. This is him, with bare skin. It is a play on words, as this campaign is against bearskin. This image was taken in 2009, and at this time PETA was part of a huge campaign against using bearskin for the Queen’s Guards’ caps, and various other uses, so at the time, this was a very current and relevant image. I can’t tell if the image has been cropped or not, it could have started out as a wider shot, or could have always been a close up shot. The image is horizontal, a common format for formal portraits. The image looks as though it was shot from a lower view point, so the photographer may have been on a slightly lower level from the model. The focal point is, of course, the model.
Since this is clearly a studio shoot, the light will have been artificial, meaning we can’t tell what time of day the image was shot at. Due to the angle and direction of the shadows on the model’s body, it looks like the lighting was head-on, as neither of the shadows go off at angles. The image has been shot in colour. This is to give us the full effect of the bare skin, and to create a more visually dynamic image. There will have been some computer manipulation on this image to touch up the models skin and hair etc.
This image speaks volumes to me. It’s obviously going to attract the attention of women, as there is an attractive man topless in the image. The slogan is short, simple, and to the point. As soon as you read it, realise the play on words, and take it in, you instantly agree with the message that’s being put across. Bears should not be skinned alive to make hats. I like this image, as it is so simple. There is no complicated background, no complicated subject, no complicated words. It’s all laid out in front of you so it’s easy to digest and understand.

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