Tuesday 8 February 2011

WWF Image analysis.

 The caption for this advert roughly translated into English is "The greenhouse pollution causes global warming. Now is the time for actions." The image was  taken for a WWF campaign against global warming. The image itself is a play on objects. The photographer has taken a photograph of the polar ice caps, which are suffering the effects of global warming. Then he has added to the ice caps some ice cream sticks - showing them to effectively be melting ice creams. This is clever, because melting ice cream is an image that everyone can identify with, whereas icebergs usually aren't.

This image comes about at a time when the whole world is being effected by climate change, so the relevance of this image is massive. It's an ongoing issue, that WWF are trying to gain more awareness/concern about. The image is horizontal, which is the most common way to shoot a landscape image such as this. The image may have been cropped, or it could have been a close up. The angle of view is quite straight on, but obviously from quite a distance or else the icebergs would look a lot larger.

The lighting on the image was probably quite natural, as it would be very difficult to set up a lot of artificial lighting in a climate such as the antarctic. The image is in colour, and it looks really nice that way, with a whole range of blue tones throughout the image. This means that we can fully understand and appreciate what the image involves. There will have been some computer manipulation on the image, at least to add in the ice cream sticks. As well as this, I imagine that some manipulation will have been done to bring out the blue tones even more.

The photographer is using the ice cream sticks as a way to communicate to his audience using something they qwill be able to identify with. He has portrayed the icebergs as ice creams in order to liken the melting of an ice cream to the melting of the icebergs caused by global warming/climate change. He is trying to get across the message that clime change will destroy them, just like the sun destroys an ice cream.

 The caption for this image says: "Stop climate change before it changes you." We don't have anymore information about when or how the picture was taken other than what we can work out ourselves. We can deduce that the image must be fairly recent (within the last 5 years or so) as the issue of climate change is a fairly recent concern of the world, a recent discovery. The image was taken for a WWF campaign against climate change, the subject they focus on the most at the present time.

The image is of a human man (we can tell this by the bright shirt he wears) that has slowly evolved into a fish-like creature as a result of the sea levels rising and humans not being able to live on land anymore. Although the image doesn't say all this, it has been done in such a way that we can read all of this information from it. This is a studio portrait with heavy computer manipulation. We can see a slight vignette around the edges of the image. The image has been shot vertically, which is common for a studio portrait. As this is a studio shot, the lighting will have been artificial. The image is in colour, which is to show off the fishy yet still human skin, and the shirt, which characterises him as a human.

This image says to me that we need to take more care of the planet in order to stop this type of thing from happening. If the sea levels rise, there will be no land to live on, and our species will either die or have to evolve into aquatic creatures, and that's really something to think about.

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