Tuesday 8 February 2011

Image Comparison.

These are the two images that I will be comparing. The one on the left is my image for the visual communications project, and the one on the right was taken for a PETA campaign against using animals for their meat. Both images are very similar in concept, and this is because this campaign is what inspired my location shoot. Both images feaure a female model wrapped in clingfilm with a view to looking like human meat. The image for PETA has a label over the model, and is nearly a full body image, whereas mine has no label and is a head/shoulders shot.

My image has not been cropped, as it was taken purposefully as a headshot. The image on the right looks as if it may have been cropped, as the feet and part of the right hand are missing on the model. Both images were taken from a higher vantage point than the model, giving the photographer a better opportunity to see both images fully, rather than sideways on. As the image on the right was taken from a campaign outside on the streets of Memphis, I would say that the image has been taken using natural light. For my image, most of the light is natural, from a window, and the rest with the camera flash. Both images have been shot in colour, and this does a lot of things to the image. The skin colour of the models, coupled with the blood all over them, makes them look even more like meat, as you can see the flesh and blood. For my image I used a macro lens (18mm).

Both images are entirely in focus, so that our eyes see the image as a whole, not parts of it at a time. My image only had minor manipulations done on it, such as manipulating the contrast and brightness of the image, and of course adding in the text. The image on the right looks as if it hasnt had any manipulations performed on it. Both of these images ultimately try to convey the same message - that using animals as meat is wrong, as they are living beings too, just as humans are. These images are intended to distress the viewer and make them see things from an animals viewpoint.

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