Tuesday 14 December 2010

Art History: Conceptualism: (1960 - 1975)

Conceptual art is based on the concept that art may exist soley as an idea and not in the physical realm. Conceptualists believe that the idea of a work matters more than it's physical identity. This movement began in the 20th century, and was based on the European Dada movement and the writings of the Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.  Conceptual art also had roots with Marcel Duchamp, also known as the father of Dadaism.

Conceptual art quickly became a movement, spreading through North America, Western Europe, Suth America, Eastern Europe, Russia, China and Japan.

Conceptualism emerged in the 1960s, the term first being used in 1961 by Henry Flynt in a Fluxus publication. It was later given a different meaning when the Art & Language group, headed by Joseph Kosuth, adopted it - the analysis of the object succeeded the object itself. This gained public recognition in 1967 when journalist Sol LeWitt used it to define a specific art movement. The first conceptual art exhibition, titled "Conceptual Art and Conceptual Aspects" took place in 1970 at the New York Cultural Centre.

Conceptual art intends to convey a concept to the viewer, rejecting the importance of the creator or a talent in the traditional forms such as painting and sculpture. Works were strongly based on text, used more often than imagery. Conceptual art usually contains photographs, instructions, maps or videos. This movement challenged the importance of artistic traditions, and discredited the significance of the materials and finished product. Conceptual works were meant to be proactive and questioning to the nature of art.

This was a controversial movement. Supporters believed that it expanded the boundaries of art and stopped the influence of commercialisation. Some critics see the movement as pretentious and dull. Although some works create political and social statements, more often than not they are preoccupied with analysing the nature of art. Conceptual art was the forefunner for installation, digital and performance art.

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