Monday 10 October 2011

Image research.

This first image is from a photographer named Jay Lawrence Goldman. The image is clearly advertising a pair of Jimmy Choo sunglasses. I like this image purely for the simplicity of the advertising, the fact that the sole focus of the whole image is the link on the arm of the glasses with the brand name on it. The image has a very shallow depth of field, as the rest of the glasses are completely out of focus. The image was probably shot using a macro lens, as the degree of close-up and the degree of quality is difficult to achieve with other lenses.

  This image comes from photographer Veniamin Skorodumov. I’m not entirely sure if this is an advertisement or just a still-life studio image. However, I love the depth of the colours, and the intensity of the light and shade used within the image. Whilst the wine glass has been shot with a focus on lighting it in order to see the wine clearly, the bottle has been shot entirely in shadow, so as not to pull focus. This makes for a very interesting image. This could have been shot with a standard lens. There is a deep depth of field within this image as it is all in focus. The image really stands out to me, especially with the reflections caused by the glass the objects have been placed on. This gives the image a more professional feel.

  This image comes from a photographer named Virgiliu Narcis. The image is entitled “Feminine Ammunition”. Again, the simplicity of this image is what compels me. I especially like the comparison/metaphor between the bullet casings and the lipstick, implying that females are a deadly weapon. Again, the reflections of the objects intrigue me, and I like the plain background, as it doesn’t pull focus. This image was probably shot with a standard lens and has a deep depth of field.

  This image comes from a photographer named Alex Stepanov. What drew me to this image was purely the fact that it looks so abstract and unreal that it had to be looked at further. The three green bottles have been shot with such a dull front light that the centres look completely black, while the side lights for each bottle, coupled with a reflector either side of the bottle mean that the edges properly stand out and almost glow in a way. This image is incredible and the small hints of colour between the black and white of the image looks amazing.